Whatt iis tthe alltternattiive?
The country iis braciing ffor the generall ellectiions to be helld next year.. Majjor polliitiicall partiies are
steppiing up theiir actiiviitiies to fface the ellectiion.. Whiille the Congress Party iis takiing allll out efffforts to
retaiin power,, the BJJP iis lleaviing no stone unturned to capture power..
The ‘‘Natiionall Food Securiity Biillll’’,, passed by the Lok Sabha iis consiidered to be a game changer ffor the
Congress iin the fforthcomiing ellectiions.. The deciisiion to fform a separate Tellengana State iis allso a step iin
thiis diirectiion.. The party has allready started a hiigh proffiille campaiign through the ellectroniic mediia..
The Neo Liiberall economiic polliiciies,, iintroduced,, and beiing persued by the Congress Party has created a
very biig gap between the ‘‘haves’’ and the ‘‘have nots’’ iin the country.. Whiille the economy iis saiid to have
grown 16 tiimes siince the Neo Liiberall polliiciies are iintroduced iin 1991,, iit has no reffllectiion on the lliiviing
condiitiions off the workiing masses off thiis country..
Accordiing to the Priime Miiniisters own admiissiion,, 45% off the chiilldren off the country are underweiight,,
due to mallnutriitiion.. IIn pursuant off the Neo Liiberall polliiciies,, the UPA government has steadiilly cut down
the subsiidiies meant ffor the poor.. Priices off essentiiall commodiitiies have iincreased many ffolld whiich has
severelly hiit the poor peoplle.. At the same tiime,, government iis reffusiing to ffiix even Rs..10,, 000/-- as the
miiniimum wage off the contract workers,, who constiitute a vast majjoriity off the work fforce off thiis
On the other siide,, the government has contiinuouslly been pamperiing the riich and the super riich.. Tax
concessiions,, to the tune off llakhs off crores off rupees are beiing giiven to the corporates iin the budget off
each and every year.. Apart ffrom thiis,, the government has allso opened the ffllood gates to the
corporates and mulltii natiionall companiies to lloot the naturall resources off the country.. Thiis has lled to
massiive scams,, runniing iinto llakhs off crores off rupees.. Such collossall scams are unheard off iin the
hiistory off the country.. The 2G scam and the Coall Gate scam are cllassiic examplles..
Naturalllly,, the BJJP iis tryiing to cash on the diiscontentment off the masses.. IIt iis projjectiing Narendra Modii
as iit’’s priime miiniisteriiall candiidate.. The corporate mediia off the country iis allso projjectiing Narendra
Modii as the messaiiah.. Thiis iis because the corporates are not satiisffiied wiith the concessiions giiven by
the Congress Party and belliieve that Narendra Modii wiillll giive them more,, iin the name off economiic
IIt iis not out off context to mentiion here that the economiic polliiciies off the BJJP are one and the same,,
that iis beiing persued by the Congress Party.. When iin power ffrom 1998 to 2004,, iit was the BJJP whiich
iimpllemented the Neo Liiberall Economiic polliiciies viigorouslly.. By selllliing out the VSNL and the BALCO,, iit
was the BJJP whiich started provatiisatiion off the Publliic Sector Understakiings miindllesslly.. So,, the BJJP iis
allso goiing to persue the same economiic polliiciies,, that are beiing persued by the Congress Party.. The
attacks on the workiing masses are goiing to contiinue..
Then what iis the allternatiive? The workiing cllass cannot remaiin as a siillent spectator,, siince the polliiciies
off the rullers off the country deciide the ffate off the workiing masses.. So,, the workiing cllass has to
certaiinlly thiink about the allternatiive.. The allternatiive iis the polliicy whiich wiillll iimprove the condiitiions off
the workiing masses and that off the country.. The 22 years off the iimpllementatiion off the Neo Liiberall
Economiic Polliiciies,, ffamouslly calllled as the LPG ((Liiberalliisatiion,, Priivatiisatiion and Glloballiisatiion)) have onlly
served the IIndiian Corporates and the Mulltii Natiionall Companiies and not the workiing masses off the
country.. So,, the workiing cllass has to striive ffor the iimpllementatiion off the allternatiive economiic polliiciies
whiich wiillll serve the iinterest off the workiing masses and the country..
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